What We Do

Keyear International supplies a wide range of specialty products and industry chemicals to an array of different industries with warehousing and distributing facilities in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Townsville, Perth.

Quality Systems

We actively align ourselves with suppliers that have adopted internationally accepted and accredited quality systems ISO 9001:2016, HACCP, FAMI-QS and operate our own continuous improvement system that ensures we provide a professional quality service to our customers.

Strong Partnership

As a supplier of specialty and industry chemicals our business depends on the support of manufcaturers offering top quality products and a strong and loyal customer base. Our objective is to build strong partnership with both, based on integrity, trust and loyalty.

An Experienced Team

Our team of experienced staff have the industry knowledge and skills that enable us to deliver a complete service package. Whether you require sound market advice, compliance support or the confidence that your order will be delivered on time, we have the people and systems to make it happen.

Proactive Thinking

Keyear International is constantly striving to enhance our capabilities and services, embrace new technologies and keep abreast of market trends, so that we can help our customers to stay one step ahead of the pack.